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Q: What is the average length of a croissant?
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How many kilojoules are there in a croissant?

There are about 1247kj and 15 fat grams for an average unfilled croissant.

How many ounces in a croissant?

230 plainThere are about 231 calories in a croissant.

How do you spell croissant sandwich?

croissant! it's a French word so it is spelt the same in French as it is in English! :)

What is a sentence with the word croissant?

Can I have a croissant please?He walked out the buffet room with a croissant in his pocket for later.

Are croissant French?

The croissant was a Austrian pastry popularised by Queen Marie-Antoinnette who was Austrian. The croissant was not invented by french !!!!

When was Klaus Croissant born?

Klaus Croissant was born in 1931.

Which shape is un croissant?

'croissant' is the shape called crescent in English.

How do you say croissant in German?

Croissant, a French bread, is das Croissant in German. The word das Hörnchen can also be used, but this type of bread is not as flaky as a croissant.

When was Benoît Croissant born?

Benoît Croissant was born on 1980-08-09.

When was Lady Croissant created?

Lady Croissant was created on 2007-04-03.

When was Ordre du Croissant created?

Ordre du Croissant was created in 1448.

When was Video Croissant created?

Video Croissant was created on 1993-02-02.