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Q: What is the Word for replace milk with solid foods?
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Related questions

What is weaning a baby?

It is changing from breastfeeding a baby to feeding the baby with normal milk, formula milk and solid foods.

What is weaning for a baby?

It is changing from breastfeeding a baby to feeding the baby with normal milk, formula milk and solid foods.

Why is enyme rennin important to infants?

The rennin helps to clot the milk which turns the milk into a kind of solid. This helps to make the baby used to eating solid kinds of foods.

A child who drinks a lot of milk but rejects most solid foods will have symptoms of?

kidney stones and iron

Is it true that foods may be solid or liquid?

Yes on a few counts... First, there are solid foods, like bread, and liquid foods, like milk. There are foods that undergo a phase change when they're heated, like eggs. Eggs are liquid (well, gel) until you cook them, and then they solidify. If you cook cheese, it transforms from a solid to a liquid.

Puppys are 10 weeks old and still going to there mum for milk puppies are on solid pet foods?

yes yes they r.

What are some foods that can replace dairy?

There are soy based substitutes for dairy products, such as soy milk and soy ice cream. If you are interested in soy milk, allow me to recommend the Silk brand; that is the tastiest.

Who was the Roman household goddess Educa?

Educa or Edulica was the Roman goddess of nutrition and weaning. She protected the first solid foods a child would consume, after Rumina had completed protecting the breast milk. Her name is the root of our word "educate", which is what the weaning process involves.

How much normal milk can replace condensed milk?

You cannot replace normal milk for condensed milk. You can replace milk for evaporated milk. Condensed milk is very very thick and super sweet , comes in a small can. Regular Milk Evaporated Milk condensed milk 3 different products

Can baby cats eat pom-bear crisps?

newborn kittens like most newborn mammals do best with milk from its mother. They are not yet ready for solid foods.

What do marsupids feed thy babies after milk?

Many marsupials feed their young a range of supplementary foods like leaves, fruits, insects, or even meat in addition to milk. This diet helps the young develop and grow as they transition to more solid foods.

What can replace powdered milk?

Replace the powdered milk AND the water in the recipe with whole or 2% milk.