The abiu (also known as Pouteria Caimito) is a fruit with its origins in tropical South America. For more information on the abiu, as well as a photograph, see the Related Link.
An abiu is a South American tropical fruit tree, Latin name Pouteria caimito, or the fruit of this tree.
Abiu fruit, acai berry, acorn squash, apple, apricot, araza, Australian finger lime and avocado and are fruits. Artichoke and asparagus are vegetables.
Asparagus and artichoke are vegetables. Acorn squash, Australian finger lime, apple, abiu fruit, apricot, acai berry, araza, and avocado and are fruits.
There are a variety of fruits native to the west Indian countries. Some of these include alligator pear, ackee, abiu, anar, anon, and apra.
The scientific name would be Pouteria caimito.
Guava, Banana, Papaya, Okra, Vanilla
There are many, many many types of vegetation in the Amazon basin, from orchids and bromeliads to a native tropical fruit tree called the abiu. Much of the vegetation in this region is unknown and yet to be discovered, so it's really hard to make a list of all the plant life of the Amazon Basin.
Lime , kiwi, pear, plum, date, nere, abiu, acai, bael, imbe and poha.
Lemon, GrapefruitWARNING: a Banana is not a fruitA Banana is a herb as for what WikiAnswers says (and i already knew it was a herb :D)"Any of several treelike Asian herbs of the genus Musa,especially M. acuminata, having a terminal crown of large, entire leaves and a hanging cluster of fruits."
Apricot avocado lol appleApples, Artichokes, Apricots, Asparagus, Avacodos, Alfalfa sprouts, Arugula, Acorn squash, Aubergines, Armenian cucumber, Adzuki beansAppleApricotArtichokeAsparagusAvocadoApples, artichokes, asparagus, aubergine.Apples, avachado, asparagus,avocado; apple; artichoke; apricot; anise; acai berrythat's all i can think of!Artichoke and asparagus are vegetables. Abiu fruit, acai berry, acorn squash, apple, apricot, araza, Australian finger lime and avocado and are fruits.Fruits: Apples, apricots, avacodo. Vegetables: Asparigus.Some vegetables and fruits that start with the letter A are:AbiuAcaiAcerolaAckeeacornsacorn squashadzuki bean,African Cherry OrangealfalfaAlligator applealmondsAmazon grapeAmbarellaAmerican MayappleanonaappleApricotAragulaArazaArhatArmenian Cucumberartichokeasparagusaubergine,avocadoApple, apricot, avocado and acorn squash are fruits. Artichoke and asparagus are vegetables.
Abiu Ambarella Apple ApricotAvocado Babaco Banana Bell FruitBlackberry Blueberry BoysenberryBreadfruit Buddha's Hand CarambolaCasimiroa Cherry Coconut CumquatCurrant Custard Apple Date Dragon FruitDurian Feijoa Fig GooseberryGranadilla Grape Grapefruit GuavaHogg Plum Horned Melon Indian AppleJaboticaba Jackfruit Jambu KiwifruitLemon Lime Loganberry LonganLoquat Lychee Mabolo MameyMandarin Mango Mangosteen MarangMelon Miracle Fruit Monstera NashiNectarine Olive Orange PassionfruitPaw Paw Peach Pear PepinoPersimmon Pineapple Plum PluotPomegranate Prickly Pear QuinceRambutan Raspberry Rhubarb RolliniaRosella Sapodilla Soursop Star AppleStrawberry Sugar Apple TamarilloTamarind Tangelo Uvilla Youngberryfound on PLease recommend me!
Yes Abiu Ambarella Apple ApricotAvocado Babaco Banana Bell FruitBlackberry Blueberry BoysenberryBreadfruit Buddha's Hand CarambolaCasimiroa Cherry Coconut CumquatCurrant Custard Apple Date Dragon FruitDurian Feijoa Fig GooseberryGranadilla Grape Grapefruit GuavaHogg Plum Horned Melon Indian AppleJaboticaba Jackfruit Jambu KiwifruitLemon Lime Loganberry LonganLoquat Lychee Mabolo MameyMandarin Mango Mangosteen MarangMelon Miracle Fruit Monstera NashiNectarine Olive Orange PassionfruitPaw Paw Peach Pear PepinoPersimmon Pineapple Plum PluotPomegranate Prickly Pear QuinceRambutan Raspberry Rhubarb RolliniaRosella Sapodilla Soursop Star AppleStrawberry Sugar Apple TamarilloTamarind Tangelo Uvilla Youngberryfound on PLease recommend me!