An American white birch is a species of tree, also knwon as the paper birch, Latin name Betula papyrifera.
The Tamil name for birch tree is "பீர்சு மரம்" (Peerchu maram).
Not sure which specific tree the common name clump birch tree refers to as common names vary so greatly but birch trees are in the genus Betula, family Betulaceae.
A birch bolete is a form of edible mushroom, Latin name Leccinum scabrum.
A birch bracket is a polypore mushroom which grows almost exclusively on birch trees, Latin name Piptoporus betulinus.
The Latin name for tree is "arbor."
Betula Nigra
Betula Alleghaniensis
the Latin name for a beech tree is Fagus.
the Latin name for a pine tree is pinus.
Betula papyrifera (Paper Birch, also known as Paper Birch, American White Birch and Canoe Birch) is a species of birch native to northern North America.
If you mean the species of tree, it is not a proper noun. However, if you were to name someone or something "Birch" - it is a proper noun.