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im not completley sure but i know that in the food chain is grass, aphid, ladybug and a mockingbird

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Q: What is the Food chain of aphids?
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Wheat - Aphids - Ladybirds - Spider

How is a ladybug involed in a food chain?

Lady bugs are a secondary consumer. They feed on aphids and other small insects.

What does the ladybird food chain look like?

The answer for that is the grasshopper eats ladybug the ladybug eats the ants and the ants eat crumbs.

What is the Dahlia flowers role in the food chain?

Dahlia flowers play a role in attracting pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. These pollinators help in the process of pollination, which is essential for the reproduction of many plant species, including food crops. Therefore, Dahlia flowers indirectly support the food chain by contributing to the pollination of other plants.

What sort of evidence would an ecologist use to show that rose aphids feed off rosebushes?

You'll need to experience it and use a food chain. :)

Benefits aphids have on the environment?

aphids provide a base to the food chain, attract ants that aerate and carry nutrients through the soil. hoverflies lay their eggs amongst aphid colonies the larvae consume aphids then go on to become important pollinators as adults.

What food can be given to a ladybug?


What is a ladybug's environmental role?

It isn't in the food chain because it has blood that you cannot eat

How do you find ladybug food?

Look on a rose bush. They eat aphids.

How do aphids get their food?

pick it up and put it in there mouth ?

Do ladybugs eat leaves on Earth?

Ladybugs actuallly eat other bugs, such as mites, and aphids.

Where do plant louses or aphids come from or spread from?

Adult aphids of breeding age have wings and fly to a new food source: tender vegetation. Some ants also "tend" aphids, and will actually bring aphids to plants in order to harvest the honeydew produced by feeding aphids.