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There used to be a billboard advertising milk in my town as 96% fat free. So I assume that whole milk is 4% fat.

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about 3.5-4.0%

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Q: What is the Fat percentage of cow milk?
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Which dairy cow produces the highest percentage of milk fat?

Jersey cow.

Which dairy cow has the highest milk fat percentage?

that must be jersey with a milk fat content of 5gm per 100 gm .. buffalo milk has higher fat content on an average 9%.

What is the milking percentage of a Jersey cow?

Jerseys supply small amounts of milk than most other breeds but the percentage of fat 5.2% is the highest of all breeds.

Does 1 percent or 2 percent milk have more fat?

There are three types of milk based on fat contents.Whole Milk (3% Milk): This type of milk must contain more than 3% of fats.Reduced-fat milk (2% Milk): Contains only 2% of fats.Low-fat milk (1% Milk): have 1% of fats in it.

What is the math equation that give us 2 percent milk from 'whole milk'?

MIlk from the cow is approximately 3.5% fat ( average; can run from 1 to 6%). There isn't a math equation, but lowering the fat brings the percentage down from 3 to 2, or 1.

Is goat milk more fatty than cow's milk?

Yes. Whole goat's milk contains more fat than whole cow's milk.

What is carotene in milk?

carotene is a substance available in cow's milk ,responsible for yellowish milk fat

Does the gender of a cow affect the fat in its milk?

only female cows can produce milk

What does 1 percent milk fat mean?

It means that the amount of butterfat in that milk, or milk product is 1% of the total volume of the product. It qualifies as "low fat". As it comes from the cow - depending on the breed of cow - milk is 4% to 5% butterfat.

Why is mother dairy milk more easily digested than cow's milk?

Don't you know that "mother dairy milk" and cow's milk are the same thing? Everyone associates "dairy" with cows, unless otherwise specified like goats or sheep or camels.

Which has more fat reindeer milk or cow milk?

Reindeer milk has more fat than cow's milk. According to Elisabeth Luard's "The Old World Kitchen," reindeer milk is "very thick and rich" and the Laplanders add water to it to thin it a little for drinking.

Is bison milk edible?

Yes. Bison milk is no different from cow's milk, except that it is a bit richer in fat.