Crack cocaine.
True. Cocaine causes the sudden release in the brain of a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Source. Prentice Hall
There is NO cocaine, or any analouge related to cocaine in Red Bull Cola, or any other legal soft drink. Coca leaf (the primary source of cocaine) is used as flavoring in some drinks, however ALL cocaine is removed from the leaf before it is exported. There has been one or two RARE cases of trace amounts (in the part-per-million range) of cocaine detected in Red Bull. However, the countries in which the coke was found banned Red Bull until all cocaine traces were removed (Germany, I believe)
Cocaine was removed from Coca-Cola in 1903. Before it was removed, it contained about 0.75 mg of cocaine per ounce. T It was removed due to increasing reports of adverse effects, such as stroke and cardiac arrests, which led to strict government controls. This is accordint to UpToDate which is a reliable source wirtten and used by doctors as well as medical students.
The active chemical in cocaine is called cocaine hydrochloride.
Cocaine in the UK has dropped below 10% on the street and can be as low as 3-5%. It is mostly benzocaine now unless you have a very high up source. It doesn't show any sign of change as idiots still buy it....
cocaine + anything else
36 ounces of cocaine or a Brick of drugs usually Cocaine
No cocaine is not from a rock, cocaine is from the leaves of the tropical coca plant.
It is a measurement of cocaine. a 20 is .8g to 1 gram of cocaine.
No, it does not contain cocaine.