Potage is the French word for soup.
Soupe (pronounced the same way)
la soupe (fem.) is the French spelling of 'soup'
Potage is an Old French word for potted dish and refers to soups, stews, and porridges.
french onion soup
Yes, the word soup is a noun, a word for a thing. For example: The soup is cooking in the pan. (Soup is a noun, the subject of the sentence.)
the dutch word for soup is 'soep'
There are some great recipes of French onion soup on www.foodnetwork.com. The website also gives ratings and reviews on French onion soup recipes. These recipes are easy to follow and provide accurate ingredients and cooking times needed to make a French onion soup.
Can be said as Sūpu, which is imitating the English word for "soup". The Japanese word for soup is "shiru"
La soupe des Antilles françaises is a French equivalent of the English phrase "soup in the French Antilles." The pronunciation of the phrase -- which literally means "the soup of the French Antilles -- will be "la soop dey-zaw-teey fraw-zez" in French.
la bouillabaisse
The word 'soup' is a noun, a common, concrete noun; a word for a thing. The word 'soup' also functions informally as a verb for the term to 'soup up', to change something in order to make it faster or more powerful or effective.