basta un na un!
The only difference is the origin of the solution. A naturally-occurring solution is one that comes about by natural processes with non human interference. A manufactured or processed solution is one that is created by industrial production, in a laboratory, or from other human processes.
Silver is processed by dissolving it from gold alloys. This is done by boiling it within a 30 percent solution of nitric acid.
A salt solution used for canning vegetables is called a brine solution. It typically consists of water, salt, and sometimes vinegar or sugar. The vegetables are submerged in the brine before being processed and sealed in jars for preservation.
Ammonium nitrate is typically produced by combining ammonia gas and nitric acid in a reactor vessel to form a concentrated solution. The solution is then concentrated and cooled to crystallize the ammonium nitrate, which is then dried and processed into a usable form, such as prills or granules.
why is yougart processed
what is processed sugar?
Oh honey, no need to worry about your olives being embalmed like a mummy. Black olives are typically processed in a saltwater brine solution to preserve them, not formaldehyde. So, rest easy and enjoy your olives without any creepy chemicals involved.
It is a processed form of wheat.
it is processed by like a pare shreader