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Q: What is name of stewed fruit which is served as accompaniment to meat?
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What food can be stewed?

Fruits, vegetables and meat can be stewed

What is a zazone?

"Zazone" is a misspelling of "szazone," which is a type of Hungarian dish made with stewed meat and vegetables. The dish is typically seasoned with paprika and served with a side of rice or bread.

Name something that's often served with cheese at a party?

Some things that are often served with cheese at parties are: Crackers Wine Bread Meat Fruit

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What is Caribbean dish of meat or fish stewed with vegetables flavoured with cassareep?

It is called sancocho.

What is a sailors dish of meat stewed with vegetables and biscuit called?


Why is it important to reasure meat items to be stewed or braised are cut to the same size?

So that they cook evenly.

Can stewed tomatoes be put in a meat loaf?

Yes, stewed tomatoes or picante sauce can be substituted in equal amounts for any recipe that calls for tomato juice or ketchup. My family likes to put their ketchup on the meat loaf after it is cooked, so using tomato juice or ketchup in the recipe was to much, but the stewed tomatoes give the dish a milder flavor. The picante sauce spices it up.

Is a banana a type of meat?

no, banana is a fruit"meat" refers to animal flesh. Cow, pig, cat, etc...Sometimes the fruit pulp is referred to as the "meat" of the fruit; but this is not meat in the same sense as the flesh of an animal.

What type of meat is in ratatouille?

Ratatouille is a stewed vegetable dish and no meat is used to make it, just ingredients such as tomatoes, with garlic, onions, courgettes and herbs. All the ingredients are sautéed lightly in olive oil.

What is the differene betweet fruit and vegetable?

They are not mutually exclusive words. A fruit can be a vegetable. A fruit is defined in two ways - in everyday language it is the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food • In botany, a fruit is the seed-bearing structure of a plant, e.g., an acorn A vegetable is a plant or part of a plant used as food, typically as accompaniment to meat or fish, such as a cabbage, potato, carrot, or bean.

Are fruit bats meat eaters?

Fruit bats eat fruit.