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first you need some fresh pig meat, get the pig meat and slice it into this slices not to this but thin enough, when your done marinade the meat with whatever you like i use, a little vinigar some barbaque and olive oil for a unique marinade taste then hang the meat close to the sun so it can dry out throughly, when your done the meat should be hard yet soft for you to bite in and when your done you can enjoy your snack and share it with friends and family enjoy!

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13y ago
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17y ago

it is made by being sick then squeeze it together and eat very nice try it by jesus jesus is my boy friend yey by titch tichieson

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16y ago

jerky is typically either beef (cow) or turkey meat that has been seasoned and dried slowly

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15y ago

Venison jerky can be made using slices of whole muscle or from ground venison.

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10y ago

By dehydrating the meat.

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Related questions

Is jerky a meat?

Jerky is made from meat, so, yes it is meat!

Is turkey jerky pork?

No, turkey jerky is made from turkey meat.

What is jerky cure made from?

Jerky Cure is something you use to season and prepare meat for drying to make jerky.

Is jerky also made out of horse?

Jerky can be made out of any type of meat, but the packaging has to tell you what type of meat the jerky is made out of. In the USA jerky is not made from horses due to American horses being unsafe for human consumption. However in some European and Asian countries you probably could find horse meat jerky for sale in deli's, butcher shops, and at specialty stores.

Is beef jerky made up of saturated fats unsaturated fats cellulose glucose or proteins?

Beef jerky is made up of proteins.

Does beef jerky have worms?

Beef jerky is made from a part of the cow that i am unfamiliar with but definitely not pork

Is beef jerky made of pig's ears?

Well, it shouldn't be if it is *beef* jerky, but one never really knows, does one?

Which specific molecule is beef jerky is mostly made of?


Why is beef jerky Nevada's famous food?

I don't know much but I guess it's because Nevada made the recipe for the beef jerky.

What meat do you use for beef jerky?

Jerky can be made from any type of meat. I've eaten turkey jerky, deer jerky, pork jerky, beef jerky, buffalo jerky and a couple of others. Jerky is basically just dried meat. Many people make their own by laying the strips of meat on a cookie sheet, basting it with teriyaki and drying it at a low temp in the oven. It can also be dried in the sun if there is a way to keep critters off of it. Just look up jerky recipes in your favorite search engine.

What are wording describing an action that starts with a j?

"jerky" Example: The plane hit the runway with jerky motions that made us wonder if everything was OK.

What cut of beef is beef jerky made from?

Jerky is also called jerked meat, jerky is meat (usually beef) that is cut into long, thin strips and dried (traditionally by the sun). Jerky was a popular staple with early trappers, just as it is with today's backpackers because it keeps almost indefinitely and is light and easy to transport. It's quite tough and salty but is very flavorful and high in protein. It is made of horses meat duh!!