

What is hijra?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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10y ago

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There are two very different words you might be referring to.

Hijra is a word used in South Asia to denote a person who was designated male at birth, but who adopts a feminine identity and feminine gender roles.

Hijra (or hejira or hegira or hijrat) is the term used in Islam to refer to the relocation of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in the year 622 of the Common Era. The Islamic calendar uses that time as its Year One. Hijra is the Migration of prophet Muhammad (peace upon him) from Mecca city to Medina (currently, both in kingdom of Saudi Arabia) in year 622 AD when he was informed by God that it is plotted by the Mecca leaders of the non-believers to assassinate him.

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After Hijra refers to the amount of years after the Hijra, or migration of Muhammad (S) from Mecca to Madinah. For example, 1432 After Hijra (AH) refers to 1432 years after the hijra of Muhammad (S) took place.

What does hijra mean?

After Hijra refers to the amount of years after the Hijra, or migration of Muhammad (S) from Mecca to Madinah. For example, 1432 After Hijra (AH) refers to 1432 years after the hijra of Muhammad (S) took place.

First hijra in Islam?

First Hijra was made to Abeysinia.

What does hijra have to do with Islam?

Hijra is when the Muslims migrate from a place with the permission of god.

What is AH?

After Hijra. The start of the Hijra Calendar when the holy Prophet SAW migrated to Madina.

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Muslims are no longer doing al-Hijra.

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the Hijra

What does AH stand for in the Islamic calendar?

The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar called Hijra Calendar where its start marks Prophet Muhammad immigration (Hijra) from Mecca to Medina (both currently in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). Accordingly events 'After Hijra' are dated marked as sum up; AH in Islamic calendar means After Hijra.

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Mohammad's move to Medina in 622 AD is called The Hegira

What is the word for hijra in English?


What is Hijra in terms of Muslim?

Hijra is the migration of prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from Makkah (or Mecca) to yethrib or Almadinah (or Medina) per God command to him.

Who are the prophets who did hijra?

Prophet Muhammud(PBUH).