Another name for ground grain is flour.
Any grain can be ground into flour but the most common grain used is wheat.
Ground rice is from the rice grain. Semolina is from the wheat grain. Semolina is the one that has gluten.
By which grain it comes from, and how finely ground it is.
A flour mill.
Yes, chocolate chip cookies are a grain product. They are made with flour which is ground from wheat which is a type of grain.
Despite having similar appearance to grain, couscous is actually pasta. Traditional couscous is made from ground millet, but can be produced with ground semolina wheat.
A mill is the place where grain is ground into flour. Mills can be powered by water, wind, or electricity, and they use grinding stones or rollers to crush the grain into a powder.
It is called flour.
A miller is a person who operates a mill. This can be used to grind wheat into flour. Traditional mills were water wheel or wind operated, these were later replaced by steam and other methods of powering the mill. In non-motorised or poor societies, grain is still ground by pounding grain in a mortar with a pestle. This very labour intensive and time consuming task is usually done by women.
SartajTM is a brand of stone-ground whole-grain flour.