

What is fish metabolism?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: What is fish metabolism?
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What do you think happens to a fish's behavior in cold climate during the winter?

The colder the temperature, the colder the water temperature. The colder the temperature, the slower the fish's metabolism. The slower the fish's metabolism, the more sluggish and slow the fish is. The fish will have less energy and some fish even hibernate.

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Hoes does changing the water temperature affect a goldfish's metabolism?

The warmer the water the faster the metabolism. Beyond a certain point the fish can no longer breathe because the higher metabolic rate demands for Oxygen exceeds the fishes capacity/ability to gain sufficient Oxygen from the depleted warmer water and the fish dies from asphyxiation. As the water gets cooler the opposite occurs and the fishes metabolism slows down. As the temperature approaches freezing the fish comes to a standstill. The fish no longer moves and its breathing is reduced to an absolute minimum. Any colder and the fish will not have the energy (heat) to enable it to breath and it will die.

What are the impacts of warm water on cold -water fish?

A cold water fish placed in warm water will become more susceptible to diseases. Also, the will have a shorter lifespan because their metabolism is faster (picture a fast-forwarded life). They will also become more active because of a faster metabolism.

How does temperature affect fish?

Temperatures affect speed of metabolism, enzyme activity, and the blood's ability to carry oxygen.

Why do fish eat little during the winter?

If you are referring to outdoor fish, in ponds, streams, and rivers, then it is due to the cold and there metabolism slows down so they don't need much to eat.

How do you clown fish cool down their bodies?

clown fish cannot actively cool down their bodies, they are poikilotherms. their body temperature is dependent on the water temperature and therefore so is their metabolism

Where can you catch magi carp in silver?

Just fish it using your regular fishing rod you get in the game

How is a fish excretory system disingned for survival in wateey environment?

The kidneys of a fish filter the water-soluble wastes produced by metabolism and excrete them as either very concentrated or very diluted urine, depending on whether the fish needs to keep or lose water.

What are some foods that could boost one's metabolism?

Foods that could boost your metabolism include green tea, fish, hot peppers, oatmeal, brown rice, oranges, nuts, whole wheat bread, broccoli, apples and pears.

What is the sum of all the chemical processes that take place in an organism?

is called metabolism .

How could an increase in water temperature affect fish?

These fish require a stable temperature in their tank for a healthy life; the normal temperatures of a freshwater tank are within the higher 70's and low-mid 80's F. :) If the temp is low or rising and falls, fish could contract disease and might die if exposed to prolonged lowered temperatures. Cheers, CF