

What is corn embryo?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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11y ago

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a monocot and in consequence will have just one cotyledon

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Q: What is corn embryo?
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What is corn germ?

Corn germ is the embryo inside a corn kernel. Its the little solid part. It's essentially a seed.

A kernel of corn contains an embryo plant that is capable of becoming a complex plant with roots stalks leaves and ears of corn This potential reflects which property of life?

This reflects the property of life known as growth and development, which refers to the ability of organisms to increase in complexity and size over time through a series of stages or processes. In the case of the kernel of corn, the embryo plant has the potential to develop into a complex plant with various structures and functions.

What are the types of embryo?

two type of embryo 1) zygotic embryo 2) nonzygotic embryo

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The cluster of developing cells from conception until birth is called an .?

Embryo, between the 3rd and 8th week. Fetus, after the 8th week

Where does embryo grows?

An embryo grows in the womb, the uterus in otherwords

What organism does cornstarch come from?

"cornstarch material made by pulverizing the ground, dried residue of corn grains after preparatory soaking and the removal of the embryo and the outer covering. It is used as laundry starch, in sizing paper, in making adhesives, and in cooking. "

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How does a bear embryo develop?

The same way that a human embryo or any other mammalian embryo does.

How is embryo differnet from a fetus?

Fetus is name given to human embryo after it is recognizable as human embryo .

What is the embryo of a lima bean?

The plant is the embryo. When the seed begins to germinate and become a plant that is when it is an embryo.