That would depend on your value assigned for banana, orange and tomato.
yes of course it is banana plus what can get better than that
Under the new Points Plus System a banana is ZERO points
Large obese llama.
butt and sexi lad
Oh, dude, the quiz probably gave away $10,000 plus a banana because it felt like being extra generous that day. Maybe it wanted to see if someone would actually choose the banana over the cash. Who knows, maybe the banana was magical or something.
A kayak. Or, if orange was a fruit the new answer would be an octopus.
It had lost of hot tubes, and candy, plus boneless banana's!
all plus your face and the occasional banana :)
Your Mom plus 3 cups of water and brown sugar.
well first u banana then banana with a banana and banana the banana wont allow the banana to banana and so the banana goes home and bananas for a banana so wht if the banana doesnt banana he bananas for a banana how do you banana?you dont banana you just banana you little banana
No because that will make you hungry later in the day TRUST me.