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Q: What is an oviduct transection?
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Where does a zygote travel fom the oviduct?

A zygote travels from the oviduct to the uterus for implantation and further development into an embryo. This journey is facilitated by ciliary movement in the oviduct and uterine contractions.

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Function of the oviduct?

The oviduct is a tube that serves to transport the egg from the ovary to the uterus. Fertilization usually occurs within the oviduct, and it also provides a suitable environment for early embryonic development. Additionally, the oviduct helps in the transportation of the embryo towards the uterus for implantation.

How does an egg travel along the oviduct?

An egg travels along the oviduct through peristalsis, which is the rhythmic contraction of the smooth muscles in the oviduct walls that helps move the egg towards the uterus. The egg is also propelled by the cilia lining the oviduct that create a flow of fluid to help transport the egg. Hormones like estrogen and progesterone control the contraction of muscles and cilia in the oviduct to ensure proper egg transport.

What is the difference between ovary and oviduct?

Oviduct is where the egg cells are fertilized while the ovary is where the egg cells are produced and where they mature.

The egg is propelled down the oviduct by?

Cilia lining moves the human egg through the oviduct. They beat in such a manner that it drives the egg toward the uterus.