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Q: What is an organic catalyst with a protein core?
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What is a protein that acts as an organic catalist?

An enzyme is a protein that acts as an organic catalyst, speeding up chemical reactions in living organisms without being consumed in the process. Enzymes lower the activation energy required for a reaction to occur, allowing it to proceed more quickly.

What class of organic molecules includes biological catalysts?

Enzymes are the biological catalysts that facilitate and accelerate chemical reactions in living organisms. They are proteins that are specifically designed to bind to and interact with specific substrates to catalyze their conversion into products.

What type of organic is an enzyme?

Enzyme is an organic catalyst. Enzyme is a quartenary protein, with a heme group in middle. The quaternary structure, cosistnts of 2 alpha and 2 beta chains.

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Lemon juice can be used as catalyst in organic chemistry.

Why is protein considered the most important in organic compound?

Because it has the most usage out of all the organic compounds. It acts as a catalyst, water proofing agent, as well as assisting in DNA replication and much more. It is so important, that scientists once thought that it was protein that carried the genetic information, not the DNA.

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What type of organic molecule is lactase?

Lactase is an enzyme, which is a type of protein. Specifically, it is classified as a hydrolase enzyme, responsible for breaking down lactose into its component sugars, glucose and galactose.

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