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A plant is always a producer in the food chain

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Q: What is always a producer in the food chain?
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What is frequently represented in a food chain?

a producer, which is a plant which is always at the beginning of the food chain.

In a food chain a plant is always a what?

A plant is a producer.

What does the food chain always end with?

A food chain always ends with a consumer.It always starts with a producer.You need the producer to make the food. You can't have a food chain without food.You need the consumer to make it a chain. If nobody eats the producer, then it isn't a food chain, it's just a lucky plant.

What is a general mountain food chain?

a food chain always starts with a producer. a nonliving thing

What always start off a food a chain?


In any food chain the total amount of energy always?

The energy flux of a food chain goes from producer to decomposer. The energy flux along the food chain is always unilateral.

Is there always a consumer that comes next in the food chain?

No, a food chain has to start with a producer.

The first biotic factor in a food chain is a what?

The first biotic factor in a food chain is typically a producer, such as a plant or algae. These organisms can create their own food through photosynthesis and form the base of the food chain by providing energy to other organisms.

What is a producer having to do with a food chain?

Producer provides food to herbivores in food chain .

What type of consumer always follows a producer in a food chain?

The primary consumer

What is always at the beginning of the food chain?

A producer is at the beginning of every food chain. Usually it is a green plant, which can use the energy in sunlight to produce food. That food supports all the other organisms. There is no food chain until food is produced.

The first organism in a food chain is always an?

It is usually a plant. A herbivore or omnivore devours the plant, and a predator eats the herbivore/omnivore, starting and ending a food cycle, also called a food chain. Also, the sun grows the plant in which the animal eats. The first organism in a food chain is a plant or a organism that can photosynthesise. or... There is not a first organism in the food chain! :-)