No..A pullet is a young hen chicken, just beginning to lay eggs.
A pullet is a young chicken, more specifically a hen (female) at least 20-weeks-old which has begun to lay eggs but has not yet moulted.
A pullet is a female chicken.
Americauna chickens lay eggs that are green, blue, to cream in color.
A female chicken under the age of one year. ok this is what i figured chick(baby) pullet(teenager) hen&rooster(adult)
They are ready to lay their eggs.
it will advenchily find a place and lay eggs but she has to lay them at the beach
young female chicken.
Point of Lay (abbr. POL)
The female would be a "pullet". ------- The male would be a "cockerel".
when they are ready to fart out a balloon
No. Once they are old enough (approx 6 months old) they will lay an egg on average every 26 hours. Just as human women ovulate without having sex, a pullet or hen can lay without a rooster. The eggs will not be fertile, however, and will not produce chicks.