Some animals are both predators and prey for other nastier predators, A good example is the Grizzly Bear. It is now a top predator, but was once prey for the Short Faced Bear, an animal that died out in North America some 10,000 years ago. It was subject to secondary predation. The Grizzly was a primary predator at the time.
Usually the producers in a system are plants or microbes that convert chemical or solar energy into starches and sugars. Then follows a long string of consumers each consuming the previous level.
In the case of a string leading to the short faced bear (which would include the grizzly) this could be:
algae->small aquatic insects-> small fish> several levels of fish predators going up to salmon->grizzly bears ->short faced bear. The stages between algae (producer) and the short faced bear (ultimate consumer) are identified as primary, secondary , tertiary quaternary, etc consumers.
predators are an animal that eats other animals or hunt and those animals that they eat are called their prey and thats a predator I ANSWERD THE QUESTION
The organism that does the killing and eating in predation is called the predator.
The organism killed by a predator is called prey
A predator has the advantage than prey. A predator hunts/kills animals for food while the prey is the one being hunted. It shows the relationship called PREDATION.
Prey. Predator is the creature that hunts prey.
When there is a certain predator that has no predator of it's own it is called an apex predator. They are usually at the top of the food chain.
it is called predation
it is called predation
The snake would be the predator and the shrew would be the prey
Example: Lion = Predator Gazelle = Prey The predator seeks after the prey.
a dragonfly larvaes prey is matfly larvae adn its predetor is a king fisher lol thats for reading love ya! lol