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Q: What is a popular dessert in Northwest Territories?
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Related questions

When was Northwest Territories created?

Northwest Territories was created in 1870.

What is the population of Northwest Territories Canada?

The 2006 population of Northwest Territories was 41,464. The 2011 population of Northwest Territories was 41,462.

What is the northwest territories natonial bird?

The Gyrfalcon is the northwest territories bird

What is the northwest territories flower?

The Mountian Avens is the northwest territories flower

What territories or provinces are in the northen part of Canada?

Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut

Which province is yellowknife in?

Northwest Territories is the territory with the capital of Yellowknife.

Name the capital of the Northwest Territories a Canadian province that is located on the northern shore of the great slave lake?

Yellowknife is the capital of Northwest Territories, but Northwest Territories is not a province. As the name indicates, Northwest Territories is a territory.

Why did Louis Riel not get hanged in Québec?

The acts which Riel was alleged to have committed took place in what was then Northwest Territories. His arrest took place in Northwest Territories. His trial took place in Northwest Territories. He was found guilty in Northwest Territories. He was sentenced to death by hanging in Northwest Territories. Northwest Territories had jurisdiction over all matters related to Riel's arrest, trial, conviction and execution. Québec had no jurisdiction over any aspect of Riel or Northwest Territories. Therefore, Riel was hanged in Northwest Territories.

What is the capital of Northwest Territories?

The capital city of the Northwest Territories is Yellowknife. It was founded in 1935 and became the capital in 1967.

Which territory shares its western border with the northwest territories?

The territory that shares its western border with the Northwest Territories is Yukon. It is located to the west of the Northwest Territories.

What are the names of Canada's two territories?

Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory, and Nunavut.

What is the size of Northwest Territories?

The Northwest Territories lie northwest of Central Canada. It has an area of 1,140,835 square kilometers, with its capital at Yellowknife.