you could get a fork take out the meat and pop it in your mouth
Oyster Drill - a snail Oyster Catcher - a bird
Oyster crackers are called oyster crackers because they were originally served with oyster stew or chowder as a popular accompaniment.
Oyster does not have an antonym.
Oyster from English into Tagalog is Talaba.
Sauce that is not made from oyster.
A crackalackin' crack oyster cracker cracker would crack as many crackalackin' crack oyster crackers as a crackalackin' crack oyster cracker cracker could crack, if a crack oyster cracker cracker could crack oyster crackers in a crackalackin' way.
the oyster
The oyster/pearl oyster lives in the bathypelagic zone of the ocean.
The Hindi translation for 'oyster' is 'सीप'.
Oyster cut is a cut of meat that still has the oyster attached. The oyster is piece of meat in chicken that is between the thigh and spine of the chicken.