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A one-dish meal is a meal made of any dishe that can be made by cooking all ingreadients in one dish or pot, such as soups, stews, and some casseroles.

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11y ago
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15y ago

it is something like a plate of rice , a meat and a vegetable.that is called a one-dish meal

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Q: What is a one -dish meal?
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What are the foods that is one dish meal?

The foods are known as ingredients of a one dish meal.

What is meaning of one-dish-meal?

A one dish meal is just a meal that is prepared using one dish resulting in less cleanup. IE: Stir fry

What is the meaning of one-dish meal?

The typical meaning of a one-dish meal refers to how it is served. For example, a casserole.A meal that is all cooked in one dish, e.g. a casserole.

What do you need to prepare a one-dish meal?

the ingredients needed for the one-dish meal, and the utensils and of cause, the recipe.

What is one-dish meals?

A one dish meal is generally some sort of casserole or hearty stew/soup. Curries can also be considered a one dish meal. This sort of dish combines the components of a regular meal (vegetables, protein, carbohydrates) into one dish, hence the name.

What does 1-dish meal needs?

A one-dish meal is a meal with only one course. For example, I could go to a restaraunt and just order the main course. That's one dish. Or I could just order dessert that's also one dish.

Where can you get one dish meal?


What is the definiteion of a one-dish meal?

It is a dish which has no side dishes that means that the dish is the main dish.

When do you serve a one dish meal?

One dish meals are good to serve for both lunch and dinner. A one dish meal usually consists of soup, stew, or casserole served with a bread.

How much is a one-dish meal?


What is the example of one dish meal?

tuna casserole

Do teenagers need one dish meal?
