I don't know the names but they are good recipes; [watermelon,
spaghetti ,strawberries] and [salad, jello , chocolate chip cookies
]and [ toffee, cake ,chocolate milkshake]
Are cookies a vegetable?
I wish They can be made up totally of vegetables Flour from a
cereal crop, oil from olives sunflowers or other vegetables sugar
from sugar cane chocolate from the cocoa bean. So you can say
cookies are a vegetable.
Is strawberry milkshakes or Cookies and Cream Milkshakes Better for you?
of cource stawberry milkshake! because strawberry milkshake has
real fruit in it!
cookis and cream has cream witch has alot of calories and
What is healthier asda chocolate cookies or tesco chocolate cookies?
What characerizes a homogeneous mixture?
There are two types of mixtures: homogeneous mixtures where all the substances are evenly distributed throughout the mixtures, for example blood, salt water.In heterogeneous mixtures the substances are not evenly distributed (chocolate chip cookies, pizza, rocks)
How many cookies have chocolate in them?
the amount of cookies that have chocolate in them are about 15%
as far as i know