The best cookies to bake depends on who you are baking for and your skill level. A good starter cookie to bake is the Toll-house chocolate chip cookie recipe, which you can find on chocolate chip bags in your grocery store's baking aisle.
Well, cookies actually aren't the best for you to begin with. But if they were, I'd go crazy over them! Chocolate chip cookies for every meal! :)
A chocolate chip cookie is a regular cookie, but with small pieces of chocolate in it!(chocolate chip cookies are really good if they are warm, and dipped in chocolate)
chocolate chip cookies.
yes it is not very good though to me
they taste good and smell good!
Milk is great to drink with all cookies.
It depends, If they are chocolate chip cookies, then yes. Its just not a good idea to give cookies to dogs because they arent very good for them.
Only if they are made with matzo meal or matzo flour rather than regular wheat flour. Chocolate chips are OK. You can do a search for some good recipes I've seen for Passover chocolate chip cookies.
In the UK, chocolate chip cookies are simply thick biscuits with a sprinkling of chocolate chips inside. American cookies are softer, and usually larger, but still contain chocolate pieces.
loaves are good, anything without icing or chocolate, muffins, cookies, pies.
Chocolate chip cookies became popular for a few reasons. They were easy to make, tasted good and were well liked, were easily transported, and had relatively simple and widely available ingredients.