Passion Fruit
Passion Fruit is filled with vitamin A and C. If you eat the seeds they are high in fiber, and it is believed that there are many anti-oxidant benefits to eating passion fruit.
Passion fruit is good for you when you are pregnant. Passion fruit is high in fiber and is filled with vitamin A and vitamin C, something that every mommy and unborn child needs.
Yes, Passion Fruit does have Vitamin K content. However, not very much of it. For one Passion Fruit, there is 0.7 mg of Vitamin K.
Celery is a good companion plant for bush beans and cucumbers. Daisies, snapdragons, leeks, tomatos, cauliflower, and bush beans are all good companions for celery. So, bush beans being on both lists might be the ideal companion plant.
What is a good companion plant for a lemon tree? I have had Nasturtiums recommended. Cheap easy to grow and self-seeding year after year. It is said that planting a guava nearby protects it from disease.
Occasional diluted is okay. Too many sweet drinks are not good during pregnancy.
I only have the andwer for if you were to be eating this plant im afraid, i appologise for any inconvinience that this may case. Companions of a tomato plant may be lettuce, cucumber, carrot and onion then you can personolise your salad by adding various fruit and veg that you would think go well with tomatoes, experiment, why not, you may even come up with a beautiful recipe.
You can plant seeds from any fruit and some varieties will grow well and produce good fruit. Commercially-bought fruit might not produce good quality fruit grown from its seeds; you should go to a plant nursery or garden centre to buy seeds or seedlings. This applies to many types of fruit and vegetables.
sahar is my good companion
No, they are poisonous. The only edible part of the plant is the tomato(fruit).
It takes about 3 years for the vine to fruit. Also, it does not pollinate by wind or by shaking. The flowers are much too sticky. You can hand pollinate though. Hope this helped. Good luck