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Q: What if you eat apple butter that has 1 month past the expiration date?
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Until the expiration date on the bottle.

Why is expiration date important?

It depends what kind of expiration date like on milk or food or drinks it should say A black Print that says a month and a date and the year thats the expiration date...

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Yes. Hourglass followed by year - month is expiration date. Hand with pointer finger lifted is manufacture date.

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I would also like to know because I just ate three a month past the expiration date 😂

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lest then 1 month when open

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All drugs have an expiration date. These expiration dates are so closely watched that hospitals literally destroy millions of dollars in expired drugs every month.

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When a condom has a month or a year, it expires at the end of the month

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Month Month Date Date Year example m02013: Febuary 1 2013

On the bottom of the can has an expiration date of you 6220 1658 How do you know what this date means as far as month and year?

I think its stamped on the top...

Is cough medicine past expiration date by 1 month still good?

Well, yeah, but any medecine which is older than its expiration date may be weaker, among other things.