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That depends on what's in the cookies. Known toxins you might find in cookies include chocolate, salt, raisins. Considering his size, the toxic doses of chocolate and salt are likely to be rather high, but raisins have been seen to cause damage even when very few are eaten. May be wise to call ASPCA's Poison Control hotline, or your Vet, to determine best course of action.

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13y ago

It may be harmful to the dog, but there is a chance that it will not do anything, either. Watch the dog, make sure there are no signs of distress or problems. If you think something may be wrong, then take the dog to the vet.

NO hes fine! My dogs have eaten much worse! they just ate about 12 chocolate chip muffins and they are perfectly fine! BUt to anyone researching, my dogs are big so they can eat more chocolate than littler dogs. I believe that if your dog has diarea and vomits and acts strange after eating chocolate, I heard you can feed them 100% pure caned pumkin (not pie filling) and maybe take them to the vet! Respond if this helps anyone!

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If your dog has eaten anything containing chocolate, you should bring them to the vets right away!

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It begs for another?

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Q: What if a dog ate a chocolate chip cookie?
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Will my dog die if they eat half of a chocolate cookie?

No, it may get a little sick but most likely not. My dog ate a BIG bar of fudge off the counter and she didn't even get sick.

How sick can a dog get after they eat a chocolate cookie?

Well, it depends on the animal itself. If the animal was rotted, it could be infected, and harm your dog. If that is the case you should take it to the vet right away. Also, if the animal had an infection before its death, the infection could pass into your dog, so going to the vet would be good in this case as well. Their is also the scenario that the animal's carcass was harmless, and your dog will only have digestive pains for about a week. Since you don't know for certain the situation, it would be a good pre-caution to go to the vet either way, to stay on the safe side.

Will one chocolate cookie hurt a dog?

Eating a chocolate cookie can be harmful to a dog due to the presence of theobromine, which is toxic to them. The severity of the reaction will depend on the size of the dog and the amount of chocolate consumed. It is best to contact a veterinarian immediately if a dog ingests chocolate.

What happens if a dog eats 3 pieces of chocolate?

Chocolate is poisonous to dogs, so this could be dangerous for the dog. It would depend on what type of chocolate the dog ate. Dark chocolate or chocolate with lots of cocoa in it is the most dangerous, with milk chocolate being less dangerous and white chocolate being the least dangerous. The size of the dog would also affect how dangerous it is, so if a big dog ate 3 pieces of chocolate it might be ok, while it could be very dangerous if a small dog ate 3 pieces of chocolate. The best thing to do is to keep an eye on your dog for 24 hours after he/she ate chocolate and if the dog shows signs of nausea, being wobbly or drinking a lot of water then the dog should be taken to the vet immediately.

How long does it take for a dog to die after eating chocolate?

Maybe, because chocolate is poisonous to dogs. When it happens, think of how much chocolate your dog has eaten. If your dog has ate lots of chocolate, your dog needs immediate help. If not much, call your dog's vet for more information. Always call your dog's vet if your dog has ate chocolate (any amount). So, your dog might not die automatically

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you can give a cookie for lunch i will like that for a snack thank you i

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Take it to the vet a.s.a.p

Can tibetan terriers have chocolate?

No, chocolate is extremely poisonous to Tibetan Terriers and can cause death. This also applies to all other breeds.Never feed your dog chocolate. If your dog ate chocolate, consult a veterinarian immediately.