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Q: What has more surface tension apple or orange juice?
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Does orange juice have the same surface tension as gasoline?

no because gasoline comes out in flat droplets and orange juice comes out in beads of liquid

What juice would clean a penny apple juice orange juice or cranberry juice?

I don't know why you are cleaning a penny with juice but orange juice. The acid found in orange juice if left touching something for long periods of time can start eroding the surface , removing stains and rust.

Is grape juice healthier than orange and apple juice?

Yes grape juice is healthier than orange and apple juice

What is America's favorite juice apple or orange?

orange juice is my favorite juice

What will ferment faster -apple juice or orange juice?

this is a guess.. orange juice

Does the orange juice have surface tension?

Lemon juice is 33 dynes/cm. From Carrot juice, which has the lowest surface tension of all the juices (no data is available on wheatgrass), has a surface tension of 30 dynes/centimeter. After sitting overnight its surface tension rises to 68, and after 24 hours it reaches the 73 dynes of unstructured dead water. From Gabriel Cousens, M.D., Conscious Eating.

What is the Healthiest juice between apple orange and grape?

orange juice

Does juice box have a surface tension?

No. Surface tension is a characteristic of liquids, not solids like a juice box.

What liquids apple juice orange juice cranberry juice or water will evaporate faster?

materials: apple juice orange juice grape juice cranberry juice soda water

Apple juice freeze quicker then orange juice?

orange juice because it is a better drink:D

What has more protein apple or orange juice?

An orange has more protein than an apple.

Does krypton conduct heat?

Apple juice ORANGE JUICE