What defines an ice cream, sherbet, or sorbet is the milkfat content. Ice cream has the most, sherbet less so, and sorbet none. While sherbet is similar to ice cream, it is not the same thing.
No. I assume that the fat in the ice cream insulates the structure more than the others.
Well, the most popular ice cream flavor is Vanilla.
Luigi's ice cream is a green type of ice cream that tastes like lime sherbet.
You can buy a sherbert cone at many ice cream parlors.
Yes sherbet is non dairy. It is has no dairy products in it at all.
Orange Sherbet
The ingredients of naranjilla sherbet include ice cream,milk, sugar and some fruit.
there are probaly about 600 or more calories
* Oreo Cookies and Cream * Orange sherbet *
Yes. It's ice cream.