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uh.. the tea gets lighter and it has milk in it..?

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12y ago

It curdles the milk

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4y ago

the cheese just sink down to the bottom of the milk .

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Q: What happens when grated cheese is mixed with milk?
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How many gallons of milk are in one pound of cheese?

It takes about 5 quarts (1.25 gallons) of milk to make a pound of whole milk cheese.

How is homemade mac n cheese made?

You can use milk and your choice of either normal grated cheese melted into it or you can use shake cheese, all you do is use enough milk that everything is moist, make sure you don't swamp out your noodles. UK version from Richard I melt a tablespoon of margarine and add three of flour and beat together to form a paste. I add a teaspoon of powdered English mustard and a vegetable stock cube to economise on cheese. Over a slow heat I slowly add milk,stirring all the time until it boils and is has thickened to a velvet texture. Then I add grated mature English Cheddar cheese and when fully dissolved pour it over your strained macaroni in an ovenproof dish. Place a small amount of grated cheese on top and brown under a grill.


milk mixed with butter and other conditional items with flavors found everywhere and anywhere. 

What is a piece of cheese?

A piece of cheese is a dairy substance made from milk. There are many different types of cheese and all are very different. There is soft cheese such as Philadelphia and laughing cow. These are very soft and easily spreadable. Then there are the most common and well known sorts of cheese such as cheddar and edam. These come in different strengths and are much harder than soft cheese. They are not spreadable and must be grated or sliced. Then tere are some more unusual types of cheese such as cheese made from goats milk, feta, cheese with fruit and different coloured cheeses!

What happens if milk and sea water is mixed?

They would separate out because they have different densities.

How is cheese made in a mill?

they churn the milk and then put sour cream in it until its hard and all mixed in well together

What kind of cheese is Alfredo sauce made out of?

It is made from mouldy cheese as that is found to be nutritious and it will make you look really good attracting All the boys if you are a boy and all the girls if you are a girl so all you Lesi's and Gay's out there this is some wow sause for you to try!

What percent of milk is made out of cheese?

No milk is made out of cheese

Are milk and cheese complementary goods?

no, milk & cheese are not complementary

What happens to milk when yeast is added to it?

Milk, rice milk and soy milk are yeast-free products

How to neutralize the sour taste of tomatoes?

The sour taste of tomatoes comes from their acidity. I'd recommend mixing in dairy which is a base. Try using powdered milk or finely grated cheese like parmesan

What happens if you leave cheese in the sun on tinfoil?

No. Yogurt is a different product, made from culturing fresh milk with bacteria. Cheese is made from milk by coagulating the milk using rennet, cultures and/or enzymes, then separating the curds from the whey. The curds are pressed into the cheese and aged, if desired.