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because it is cold [should have 78f-80f degree water] or it is depressed.

get it a 5 gal tank with a heater and it will be very happy

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It may be sleeping

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It could maybe a while.

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Its obliviously dead.

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Q: What happens when a Betta fish stays in one spot?
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Brown spot on betta fish jaw?

go on they will get you a live vetarian in send you the reson why ok

Betta fish 2 years old maybe overfed his stomach swelled and then a white spot appeared in his side he won't eat much and sinks to the bottom a lot and is not making his bubbles what do I do?

I think your betta fish is a female. I'm assuming that it is pregnant because female betta fish have a white spot on their stomach if they're pregnant. If you have another male fish, [ but he has to be ready to mate. You can tell if he is ready if he is creating a bubble nest.] try putting them together. Before you do that, try looking for infos on them first [just in case]. I don't want things to go wrong because I might've told you the wrong things. I'm just a child that happens to take care of 2 betta fish and doesn't know about them much.. I'm not a professional of betta fish, but I found these information on the internet. I have two betta fish myself, and one lost its color.I wanted to look more info on betta fish, and learn how to take care of them better. Eventually, I learned many new things about them. Maybe you can learn more about betta fish since you are taking care of one. It's just a suggestion, but I tried looking them up on the comp and it helped me a lot. I just wanted to let you know what i have experienced. ^^ I can give you a site that tells you a lot of info about betta fish. I got most of my info about them in this site: If you want to learn more about betta fish, then just go on google, and search about them. I hope this helped and hope that your betta fish is alright.^^~!

Does a betta fish need a hiding spot?

They sorta can it depends on what color they are and the decorations and gravel. My betta is pure blue and it blends in with the gravel since the gravel is blue and some of the ornaments are blue.

What should you do if betta fish have a yellow spot on their heads?

If it wasn't there before, the fish may have a disease and you need to look up the exact type to know how to treat it. If the fish was already patchy colored, it may just be changing its markings, which they do throughout their life.

What do spot fish eat?

spot fish mostly eat shrimp and other small fish

How do you know if your Betta is blind?

if the beta has a white spot in his eye like a "blur".

Are betta fish lazy?

Betta fish, or an kind of fish, have no eyelids, so h may be sleeping and you just can't tell because his eyes aren't closed. He may not sleep at night until everything in the room he's in is quiet or dark. If you just got him, it may be because he's nervous about his new home.

How do you know a betta fish is a male or female?

probably,male certainly make bubble nest,male have long fin and large gills,male dont have egg spot between the fins and bottom tail

How do you know if a tropical female fish is pregnant?

With a guppy you need to look at the gravid spot. This is a dark spot in the fish's belly. A large gravid spot indicates the fish is likely to be pregnant. You can tell how pregnant the fish is by how large the spot is. Sorry I have no experience with other species.

Why did my female betta or what I think is my female betta made a bubble nest when I moved her from my community tank to her own tank do I have a female betta or a short fin male?

If you would like to know what gender your betta is, look for the egg spot. (for females) It should be a small white cloud between the head and body. If your betta has one, it's a female. If your betta doesn't have one, it's a male.

What is it called when cancer stays in one spot?

Benign cancer

What type of fish get along with bettas?

Well with a male NOTHING! Well it depends on what the attitude of the male betta fish is. To be safe though do not put anthing with a male. As for a female you can put a lot of fish. Here are just a few, Guppie, another female betta (up to 3)(not male) there are a lot of others I just can't think of them right now sorry!