Eating large amounts of popcorn has not been known to affect urine in any way shape or form...
As inscrutable as this sounds, there have been several reports of patients coming into the ER that I nurse at describing the symptoms listed below after consuming vast amounts of salty popcorn.
Some early symptoms may include severe water retention followed by immediate bowel evacuation due to the fact of the excess amounts indigestible material being consumed coupled with the fact that your body cannot purge its excess water. After these symptoms resided patients reported feeling normal 48 hours later they had relapse and died shortly there after.
Treatments include:
Water retentions pills
Oral Contraceptives
Baking soda vinegar solution
Taking these will counter balance the effects caused by the massive sodium intake
I hope you've read this in due time......
dont eat salty foods...?
yes but it is not good for you so eat salty foods in moderation
There are no dietary restrictions when you have chickenpox. You can eat what you like.
yes it is if you know what things you should eat. Do not eat salty foods and sour foods
They love to eat salty foods like salt it self They love to eat salty foods like salt it self
Anything deep fried or greasy. Super salty/sweet foods. Fast foods. Mostly T.V. dinners!
Salty foods inhance sweet flavors and sweet foods inhance salty flavors. If you eat a sweet food and then eat a salty food, you experience the saltiness more. Next time you have a piece of chocolate, try sprinkling a small pinch of salt or even better, sea salt on it. :) YUMMM!
Shower with a friend, drink more soda pop, and eat more salty foods!!!
not to eat too much of sweet,salty or fatty foods because it will lead us to many kinds of illness
Consuming salty foods can lead to dehydration because salt pulls water out of our cells through a process called osmosis. As a result, our body becomes dehydrated, triggering thirst as a mechanism to encourage us to drink water and restore the body's fluid balance.
It is NOT important for humans to crave both salty and sweet food. However both salt and carbohydrates (including sweet foods) are important in the human diet so it is important for people to want to have them.
Foods that high in fat content such as fast foods and junk foods, fried and fatty foods.