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The water remains as such after people wash their hands. Even on earth, the water is stored somewhere after washing.

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Q: What happens to water after people wash their hands in space?
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What happens when you wash in hard water?

Your hands would be wet.

What happens if you put cold hands into hot water?

It gets numb.

What happens when you clap your hands in water?

Very little. You won't be able to move your hands fast enough in water to have any substantial effect. The best that you can hope for is to make a wave.

How do astronauts wash their hands?

The astronauts have to wait until they come home to wash their hands. There aren't any faucets or running water on space shuttles.

Why is it easier to clap your hands in air than under water?

It is easier to clap your hands in air than under water because water provides more resistance to movement, making it harder to generate the force needed to clap your hands together. Additionally, the density of water affects the speed and ease of movement compared to air.

What happens to energy use?

it will vanish in the air and pop in the water then go to space

What type of water do millipedes need?

they hate when people hold them in their hands . they secrete the liquid and discolor the hands .

What happens when water disappears from your hands when placed under a hand dryer?

When water disappears from your hands under a hand dryer, it is being evaporated by the warm air produced by the dryer. The high temperature of the air helps to speed up the evaporation process, causing the water on your hands to turn into water vapor and dissipate into the air.

How much time the people can stay in space?

People can stay in space as long as they have plenty of oxygen, food and water!

What happens to sewer water?

people drink it

What happens for compressed water?

particles expand hence takes up more space(flattening)

Do comets have water on it?

maybe ask the people in space