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there are a couple of reasons that you should use butter when it's called for in a recipe. for one, butter has water content and milk solids, it is not just fat. when you are using butter for a pastry crust, the water in the butter evaporates and creates tiny pockets in the dough and that's how you get a really nice flaky crust. the milk solids and milk sugars in the butter help brown whatever it is that you are baking, and give it that caramel-y baked flavor. Also the high fat content in butter leaves your pastry more tender, more moist, and well: fat just makes everything taste better. Low fat spreads just aren't a functional substitute for butter when it comes to pastry.

one thing to note though is that crisco does have a place in pastry. for cookies especially, if you use crisco your cookies will be rounded, taller, and less spread out than cookies made with butter, which will leave you with flatter, crispier, spread out cookies.

hope this helps!

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Q: What happens to pastry if it has too little fat?
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What happens if too much or little shortening is used in pastry?

Depending on the type of flour you are working with, as well as the recipe, using too much flour can make your pastry too dense, tough or chewy. For example, if you are making a basic butter/shortening pie crust using all-purpose flour -- if you use too much flour or knead the dough excessively, you over-develop the gluten and will wind up with a tough crust vs. a light, flaky pastry.

What could caused meat pie to be tough?

baked too long, baked too high a temp. Addition: If the pastry was tough then there could have been too much water in the mixture. Water aids the development of gluten, which makes pastry tough. It could also be because you "handled/kneaded or worked with" the pastry for too long. When making pie pastry, you must handle the pastry as little as possible.

What happens if you have too much animal fat?

you will become fat .........

What happens if you are too fat?

you die!!!!

What happens if you have too much in your diet?

you get FAT

What are the causes of pastry failure?

Pastry defects and their causes 1.tough pastry 2.crumbly mealy pastry 3.deformal shrunken crust 4.blister in crust crust 6.soggy crust 7.poor i hope this is very useful to you!!!! ;d ;p

What happens if you eat meat pies everyday?

You will poison your body! There are nitrates and nitrites in processed meat and high fat levels in pastry, possibly hydrogenated fats too, which are harmful in regular doses. Vary your diet for good health, veg, salads and fruit are foods too.

What happens if you ate too much food?

You would be too fat to live!

What will happen with too much or too little fat in a pie?

You will die.

Can you get too little fat?

Yes you can. There is something that wilderness survivor schools call rabbit starvation. It can come from having nothing to eat but rabbit or other very low fat animals. When the body gets too little fat you can go into a state where you will no longer process the food you do eat correctly. Once this happens you can have sever digestive problems that lead to diarrhea and dehydration.

What happens if your body doesnt get enough fat?

you could become weak and scrowny. all bones and very little fat. it would be nasty too. and if you had too little fat, you wud not be able to survive in relly relly cold weather. u wud pratically die.