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It depends. If it is a Syrian hamster they grow big over time. Dwarf hamsters are pretty small so they dont grow much (so you cant really tell). Usually you can tell, they are a bit slower (less hyper) anyway they only live for about two years.

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12y ago

None! She can absorb the material back to her body to supply herself with nutrients that her body shared with her babies she was carrying

She will gradually return to normal if she's miscarried wait 3 weeks before breeding her and if there's more than 3 miscarriages in a row don't breed her anymore!

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14y ago

-sleeping in the morning AND at night

-hair loss

-slow walking

-less energy

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14y ago

I have read that dwarf hamsters don't actually get wet tail so you should be fairly safe i would consider going to a vet though.

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12y ago

It sometimes gets a curved back and starts to lose its fur.

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Q: How can you tell when a hamster is getting old?
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How can you tell a hamster is going to have babies?

you can tell if your hamster is going to have babies if there belly is saggy and it is not getting much exercise.

How do you find out if a hamster is pregnant?

sometime you can tell if your hamster has put on more wait then usuall and is getting fatter.

How do you convince my mum to let me get a new hamster cage?

tell her about the benefits of getting it

What happens if your hamster loses hair becomes thin and will not eat his food?

Your hamster is getting old! :(

How do you tell how old a hamster is?

ask the pet store you got it from or a vet

Is something wrong with our hamster if he doesn't roll around in his hamster ball?

No, there is nothing wrong with your hamster. My guinea pig never runs around in her ball, and your hamster may just be getting old.

Male and female teddy bear hamster together in one cage for one month Today she wont eat and is acting sick She is about 2 years old is she sick or getting old?

after 2 years hamsters die. so your hamster is probably getting old

What does it mean when a hamster starts getting big dark like sores and losses their hair?

Either they're getting old or they have a disease. I don't know what it's called but look up hamster health.

How do you know your hamster is old?

Some signs that your hamster is old include a noticeable decrease in activity levels, weight loss, reduced fur quality, and a change in eating habits. Additionally, older hamsters may develop health issues such as arthritis or dental problems. It's important to provide extra care and attention to senior hamsters to ensure their well-being.

How can you tell what age your Syrian hamster is?

Old Hamsters are Lazy, also have bad teeth then usual

How old should a child be before getting a hamster and ccould it take the resposibility?

At least 8. You shouldn't leave a child alone with a hamster, so always supervise them.

How can you tell a hamster is a hamster?

Chances are, if it looks like your stereotypical hamster, it is a hamster. If it doesn't, it's a rabbit.