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If the egg is not fertilized it disintegrates (breaks down) and menstruation (your period) begins 11-16 days later. The mature egg is fertilized when it is joined with a sperm cell.

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It is passed out with the next menstrual flow.

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Q: What happens in the uterus if the egg is not fertilized?
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What happens in the uterus if the egg is fertilized?

It starts growing.....into a baby........

What happens to a fertilized egg inside the uterus?

It's usually fertilized in the Fallopian tube, travels down into the uterus where it attaches to the wall there

What happens to an egg if it is not fertilized by the time it reaches the uterus?

If an egg is not fertilized by the time it reaches the uterus, it will disintegrate and be absorbed by the body. The uterus will shed its lining during menstruation, which includes the unfertilized egg.

Where does a fertilized egg implant?

A fertilized egg implants in the lining of the uterus, known as the endometrium. This process is essential for the development of a pregnancy.

Where is the egg in a female developed fertilized and where does the fertilized egg develop?

An egg gets fertilized in the fallopian tube by a sperm, then it goes inside of the uterus, and inside the uterus it develops.

What happens if an egg is fertlizedand if it is not fertlized?

If an egg is fertilized, it can develop into an embryo and eventually a fetus if implanted in the uterus. If an egg is not fertilized, it will disintegrate and be shed along with the uterine lining during menstruation.

What is a fertilized egg before it implants in the uterus called?

A fertilized egg before it implants in the uterus is called a zygote. Once it implants in the uterus, it is referred to as a blastocyst.

What part of the female reproductive system nourishes and develops the fertilized egg?

The uterus is the part of the female reproductive system that nourishes and develops the fertilized egg. After fertilization, the egg implants in the lining of the uterus where it continues to grow and develop into a fetus.

What happens once a follicle releases an egg?

Once a follicle releases an egg (ovulation), the egg will travel down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. If fertilized by a sperm during this journey, it may implant in the uterus and develop into a pregnancy. If not fertilized, the egg will disintegrate and be shed during menstruation.

Where does the fertilized egg implant?

The fertilized egg implants in the lining of the uterus, specifically in the endometrium. This is where the embryo will continue to grow and develop during pregnancy.

What happens if the fertilized egg does not implant?

If the fertilized egg does not implant in the uterus, it will not develop further and will be flushed out of the body during menstruation. This often happens without the woman even realizing she was briefly pregnant.

Where egg cells usually fertilized?

Eggs are usually fertilized in the uterus.