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it will most likely kill them because the crackers have too much salt on them and it is not goodfor them

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12y ago

Nothing, but you shouldn't do it. Hamsters should only eat hamster mix and fresh fruits and veggies, no processed human food.

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Q: What happens if you give a hamster salted crakers?
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Do hamsters like crackers?

Hamster's love crackers. If you look at a hamster food mix you can see most of the food in there looks crunchy right? Crackers are known to be crunchy! If you want to give your hamster crackers make sure they are not salted because salted would make them sick! Hope you hamster like's them!

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As for salted no do not feed your hamster salted sunflower seeds.I would also not give them cooked sunflower seeds as when they are cooked they lose a lot of nutrients. I would feed my hamster raw unprocessed sunflower seeds. But remember to not feed your hamster too many nuts and seeds. They are good in small amounts but contain a lot of fat. So to summarize do not feed your hamster cooked salted sunflower seeds but instead feed them raw unprocessed sunflower seeds in small amounts.

Give you slogans on say no to crakers?

The slogan is - I said no to pollution and its time for you to say no to crackers.

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No, never give your rabbit anything salted.

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they swell up and become pregnant magpies, when they give birth, it is to miniture dragons

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i wouldnt give cucumber to a hamster as its very watery and can give your hamster dihareaa

What food treats can you give hamsters?

this is what they can eat, other more elaborate lists are out there just look it up.

Do dwarf hamsters die if they eat salted peanuts?

why don't you check it out. Buy a dwarf hamster and feed it salted peanuts. Because honestly this is the only answer your gonna get, I don't think anyone else has tried.

Do roasted salted nuts give you hiccups?

Not usually, no.

Can you give a hamster lettuce?

no you can not never give a hamster greens if you do it will make him or her very sick

Can a hamster give you cancer?

You can't catch cancer off your hamster.

Does alcohol kill or hurt a hamster?

It may kill your hamster. Please do not give your hamster any alchohol at all.