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I very much doubt if any normal light would be brighter than sunlight which is what Bettas evolved to live under. Lights can however be too hot and raise the temperature in the Bettas tank too high for the fish to survive.

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15y ago
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14y ago

That depends upon what type of light and from what source it is comming. Bright dayligh is OK. Bright sunshine will overheat the water and kill the fish. Normal fish tank lighting is OK. Since the species is tropical and the length of the days and nights is fairly equal, 12 hours on and 12 hours off will suit them nicely. A Betta does however need at least a 3 gallon tank with its water kept at around 78F if you wish it to survive for any length of time. The basic rules for successfull fishkeeping are as follows. :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. If you then keep the water at the required Hardness, pH and temperature for the species and feed it/them the correct food your fish will stand a chance of survival. I can guarantee that failure to provide any of the above requirements will result in sick fish and shortened lifespans.

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17y ago

Nothing he will just go and hide behind a plant or something!

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15y ago

Find a lightbulb with a lower wattage, or leave the light on for a shorter period of time (if algae is the issue).

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13y ago

All I know is excessive algae growth

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Q: What happens if a fish aquarium gets too much light?
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How To Have Happy Fish With The Proper Fish Supplies?

If you would like to have an aquarium in your home, here are some helpful hints concerning fish supplies for freshwater aquariums.1. Line the bottom of the aquarium with some type of gravel. You may choose colorful gravel or plain white.2. Your fish aquarium should not be barren, as fish like to have places to swim in and out of and to hide in. You may want to put some colorful ornamental decorations in your tank. For a more natural environment, consider using plants, either artificial or live.3. Fish aquariums need to be kept at a fairly constant temperature. Be certain to have a small heater for your tank, and calibrate it to go on when the water within the tank goes down to a certain temperature.4. An efficient filter for your aquarium is a must. It will keep the aquarium water stable and clean for your fish occupants.5. Have a water conditioner ready to treat any water before you put it into your aquarium. The water has to be right for the fish or they will not survive.6. Every tank needs a light of some kind, even though lights are more for the benefit of the owner than the fish. Have an appropriate light for the aquarium that you own, and change the bulbs about once a year to keep the lights working properly.7. Have a quarantine tank, usually a small ten gallon tank, set aside for those times when you have to medicate sick fish or quarantine new fish before they are put into your main aquarium. This tank should just have the basics, such as a light, small heater, gravel and a little ornamentation so the occupants do not feel they are out in the open.8. Have fish medication on hand for those times when a fish gets sick and has to be medicated in your quarantine tank. You should have basic medication for ich, parasites and other common fish ailments.Fish supplies are plentiful at your local pet shops and online. Keep your aquarium clean and healthy with the proper supplies and your fish will be happy.

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