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Waiters do make minimum wage as their base salary. Tips are additional wages they make.

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Q: What happenis if a waiter doesnt make up enough tips to make minimum wage?
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Related questions

What is the minimum wage of a waiter in the Philippines?

The minimum wage of a waiter in the Philippines is between 8,000 and 12,000 Philippine Peso per month. This is equivalent to between 179 and 269 US dollars per month.

What is the pay for waiter in Jakarta?

usually there is no tip for the waiter, if you want to give them anyway, Rp. 10.000 - 25.000,- (USD 1 - 3) would be enough

What is the youngest age you are allowed to employ a waiter in South Africa?

There is no minimum age to start a business in South Africa. Any competent person can start and register a business.

Why can't you tip a waiter in Germany?

You can tip a waiter in Germany. As a matter of fact, they really appreciate it. It is however not customary, because they earn at least minimum wage, as opposed to the U.S. where waiters earn close to nothing.

What is waiter minimum wage?

$6.40 per hour * $2.40 an hour (it is one of the lowest legal wages, due to expectation of tips).

What is the minimum age for waitering?

You must be at least 16 to be a waiter, but some restaurants will accept bus boys (dish washers) at the age of at least 13.

What training is required to become a waiter?

Waiters need to be trained to speak to patrons and handle plates. This isn't an easy task for many people, but it's not impossible to be a waiter. The rewards are great tips if the service is good enough.

How much does a waffle house trainee get paid?

minimum wage, whatever that might be in your state. depending on the waffle house and your position you're training for (waiter, host, busser, etc), you may get tips in addition to minimum wage. Unless you're a manager, don't expect much more than minimum + tips.

What is meant by the term minimum wage?

It is the least amount you are able to be paid an hour by state law. Unless you position is based on tips. ( waiter,waitress, bartender ) then that's less

Why does waiter only get paid a minimal amount of money?

It's not exactly a highly technically skilled job, and arguably doesn't deserve to be compensated at the same level as, say, a neurosurgeon. However, I think you're really asking "why can employers pay waitstaff less than minimum wage?" The answer is that employers are allowed to consider tips as part of the total compensation package for waitstaff. So if the waiter could reasonably expect to receive, say, $5 per hour in tips, then the restaurant can pay him only $3 per hour in salary and still have his total compensation above minimum wage. (If the waiter actually receives less in tips than the amount required to bring him above minimum wage, I believe the employer must make up the difference. And that waiter will be looking for a new job soon.)

Is it fair that im working at a pizzeria and they are giving you 5 a hr plus half the tips of the waiter?

It depends on your previous work experience and the minimum wage of where the job is located. There is no fair or unfair, unless the minimum wage is over $5, then it is not fair and you respectfully address that to your boss.

Is paying someone under the minimum wage against the law?

Yes, paying someone under the minimum wage is against the law. The minimum wage is set by federal or state regulations to ensure fair compensation for employees. Employers must comply with these laws to avoid penalties and legal consequences.