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Zwieback was not made of whole grains and contained added sugars, both of which do not agree with the nutritional thoughts of our day. Looking for teething biscuits you'll find this to be the case. I have found recipes on line which mimic the original Nabisco Zwieback Toasts both for babies and for our many recipes that go back 60 to 70 years or more. What's an old fashioned cheesecake without its Zwieback Toast crust?!

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Q: What happened to Nabisco's Zwieback Toast?
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Baby food-where to find zwieback toast?

It is gone. Nabisco discontinued it last year.

What is zybac?

Perhaps you mean 'zwieback', rather than 'zybac'? Zwieback is bread, made with eggs, baked and thinly-sliced: the slices are oven-baked to achieve a thin, crisp toast-like biscuit in the sense of a Melba toast type of cracker. Often sold as baby rusks, or as crackers, zwiebacks are used as appetisers with toppings and dips, and there are many recipes for flans and crumble-type dishes using zwieback crumbs. The word 'zwieback' is from German - zwei (twice) + backen (to bake), so twice-baked. Incidentally, biscuit in French, and biscotti in Italian, have a similar origin: twice + cooked.

When was MC Zwieback born?

MC Zwieback was born on 1981-05-19.

What is a sentence for zwieback?

Little Johnny love to gnaw on his zwieback crackers! hoyodaa osheeg

What is Zwieback?

Zwieback is a usually sweetened bread enriched with eggs that is baked, then sliced and baked until it's dry and crispy.

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Where did Zwieback come from?

Zwieback ( Bread ) originated in East Prussia, Germany. It was brought to different parts of the world such as Ukraine, Canada, and other parts of the world.

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A small rusk baked as a loaf then sliced and toasted?


Is zwieback Jewish?

Only if it's made with kosher ingredients