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  • Yeast (bread, bagels, pasta, pastries, Pizza, etc.)
  • Brewer's yeast, baker's yeast, and products containing those things
  • Yeast extract or anything containing it such as shop bought gravy or sauce mixes, stock cubes
  • All grains and cereals Brown or white
  • Wheat, Rye, Barley and possibly oatmeal
  • Pepper - black and white
  • Sugar (jam, jelly, jello, sweets, chocolate, candy, molasses, corn syrup, etc.)
  • Fruits (some people can eat berries and grapefruits, but not the rest, and don't eat too much because they contain sugar.) However, for many other people all fruits will made the condition worse
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol (beer, wine, liquor)
  • Processed foods (eat fresh food as much as you can)
  • Peanuts and pistachios. Other nuts are fine. However, some people find that all nuts make the condition worse.
  • Meats that have been treated with antibiotics (look for organic meat as much as you can)
  • Mushrooms
  • All vinegars and products containing them
  • Soy (soya)
  • Fermented foods and fermented sauces
  • All refined (processed) carbohydrates
  • All cheeses
  • Particularly yeasty or moldy cheeses, such as Roquefort or Blue Cheese.

It is important to stress that refined carbohydrates includes: white flour, white bread, white pasta, white rice and many more things. For a list of refined (processed) carbohydrates,please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

It is also important to stress that you need to stick to the diet until all of the symptoms have completely gone. If you allow yourself to be tempted to have something naughty - perhaps something sweet like a cake, however small a piece - you could find yourself back at square one again.

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Q: What foods should you avoid if you have a yeast infection?
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How can you clear up a male yeast infection is it diet?

With anti-fungal medication. Since a male yeast infection is external, you will probably need to see a doctor for the proper anti-fungal medication, since the over-the-counter medication sold for women's yeast infections comes formulated to insert internally (into the vagina). When you have a yeast infection, it is best to avoid foods that contain yeasts, such as breads, pizza crusts, cakes, and basically all baked goods. Also, avoid yogurt, and any other food which contains yeast - simply read the list of ingedients on the package of food to find out. Once the yeast infection is completely gone, it should be safe to eat foods containing yeast again. Yeast infections are most commonly caused by the use of antibiotics, because antibiotics kill ALL the bacteria in your body, including the "good" bacteria which helps keep things like fungal infections (yeast infections) and other imbalances from occurring. In fact, if you do not have a yeast infection and must take a course of antibiotics, it is a good idea to eat a very small amount of yogurt per day of antibiotic treatment in order to prevent a yeast infection from occurring.

Can a yeast infection in a male cause him not to have an erection?

No a yeast infection do not do that. but talking about erections, if you have a yeast infection you should not have sex with another person since you can give it to them.

What foods should you eat to cure a male yeast infection be specific Will only accept answers from a ID Specialist or GYN?


Does whipped cream give you a yeast infection?

It should not as it does not contain yeast.

What should you eat while having a yeast infection?

If you have a yeast infection, there are several food items you should avoid. Cutting out bread and potatoes from your diet is one of the most important things you can do because once consumed, these foods are broken down to sugars in your body. Yeast infections feed off sugars in your body, so the less you consume, the better!

What foods to avoid if you are prone to yeast infections?

Sugars and starches, such as bakery and candy.

What should you avoid with a yeast allergy?

Anyone with yeast allergy should avoid foods such as Breads, cakes, buns, scones, muffins, cheese, yogurt, alcohol, grapes, mushrooms, vinegar or any fermented products. Home made breads are fine once they are made with plain flour avoiding wheat as the main fungus in yeast is Saccharomyces cerevisiae

How do ou get rid of a yeast infection?

I am assuming you mean a vaginal yeast infection. You can eat yogurt containing live bacteria or take probiotic supplements, which are multiple times the potency. You can use any one of several over the counter products such as Monsistat. You should avoid antibiotics and douching as much as possible. If those things do not work you should see your doctor to confirm the diagnosis as other problems can feel like a yeast infection.

Can a yeast infection be a sign of chlamydia?

A yeast infection is not a sign of chlamydia.

What foods should and shouldn't a Fibromyalgia patient eat?

Foods to avoid include; caffeine, sugars, aspartame, yeast and gluten and fatty foods. Foods that are safe and healthy to take include; fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and nuts/seeds.

Why should you bath your kitty?

You don't want a yeast infection, do you?

Will yeast infection cause complications with surgery-- hernia and colon surgery?

No, a yeast infection should not cause complications with hernia or colon surgery. However, it will depend on the location and severity of the yeast infection.Ê