T. rex was a very big meat-eating dinosaur, also called a carnivore. It would have been at the top of the food chain. It is known to have fed on other large dinosaurs, such as Edmontosaurus, Anatosaurus, and Triceratops, and probably could have swallowed smaller dinosaurs in a single bite.
carcharodontosaurus would win
Foods to eat are natural foods. Foods not to eat are junk food and less healthier foods.
Carcharodontosaurus is a meat eater even larger than T-Rex, but smaller than Giganotosaurus. It is about 17 ft high, 43 ft long, and weighs about 7 1/2 tons. Their teeth are almost 7 inches long.
Carcharodontosaurus remains have been found primarily in northern Africa, so it is unlikely they lived in Asia.
put it in a microwave
what kind of foods did the chummash eat
of course you can eat local foods.
i can eat healthy foods because i am a vegetarian and i can't eat junk foods
Cancer patients eat bland foods becasue they cannot eat spicy foods. Hope this helps...
no it is not healthy to eat junk foods
· Carcharodontosaurus · Chasmosaurus