Processed carbohydrates can be found in any kind of baked goods in a supermarket: white bread, cookies, cakes, etc.
Food companies will also add sugar to about any product: ham, salad dressing, you name it.
Look at the % of carbohydrates on the packaging and that is the refined carbohydrates.
Unrefined carbohydrates can be found in the fruit and vegetable section of the supermarket, wholegrain products, some cereals.
Some foods seen as 'bad' carbohydrates are refined (processed) carbohydrates. For a list of refined (processed) carbohydrates see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
Carbohydrates are processed and burnt by your body to provide energy.
Refined (processed) carbohydrates plus salt and fat are the main additive ingredients.
Yes, pitta bread is a carbohydrate food. Moreover, it is made from refined (processed) carbohydrates. For more information about refined (processed) 'bad' carbohydrates, see the page link, further down this page listed under Related Questions.
* These companies supply the food because we demand the food. * Because people love to buy junk food. * So many people are addicted to refined (processed) carbohydrates.
Yes. Fats and carbs are completely different from sodium. Fats are often salt/sodium free, or have extremely low levels of sodium. Carbohydrates will depend on the actual food item. Natural carbohydrates are naturally low in sodium. Check the label for processed food.
Processed foods are really good , but sometimes bad too, as they are often high in sodium, fats and carbohydrates. Advantages of processed foods: 1. it stays fresh longer 2. processing improves food safety by variety of methods
Carbohydrates are found in various foods such as grains (like rice, pasta, bread), fruits, vegetables, legumes, and dairy products. They are also found in processed foods like sweets and sugary beverages.
High starch and processed carbs are not good for you
Chicken nuggets would be placed in the protein group, although they are also very high in fat and carbohydrates.
You can benefit from watching both calories and carbohydrates if you are overweight, particularly refined (processed) carbohydrates.