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Q: What food group that includes lentils beans and peas?
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Related questions

What are some foods in the protein food group?

Lamb, Chicken, Eggs, Beef, Pork, Turkey and Fish Beans, lentils, soy products like tofu.

Is a lentil dry beans or dry peas?

dry beans, my favorite food are lentils i should know

What food group are lima beans in?

Lima beans are in the vegetable food group.

What food group is seafood in?

It is a part of the meat and poultry group that includes dry beans, peas nuts, eggs and seeds.

Does pasta belong to the meat and beans food group?

Pasta does not belong to the meat and beans food group. Pasta belongs in the grain food group.

Is a lentil a dry bean or dry pea?

dry beans, my favorite food are lentils i should know

Food group containing eggs or beans?

Eggs and beans belong in the protein food group, with meats, fish and nuts.

What part of the food pyramid is eggs in?

Eggs are in what is normally called the "meat and beans" group. This group also includes other food like eggs and nuts. Check out the site in the related links!

What food groups do beans belong?

Baked beans are vegetables, so vitamins and minerals. :]

Where would legume go on food pyramid?

Legumes - includes beans and peas such as soy, pinto, kidney, navy, limas, split peas, black-eyed peas, lentils, and garbanzos. Also includes soy products such as tofu, beverages, and texturized protein foods.Meats anad poultry......or vegetables.

What type of food that contain methane?

Foods that contain methane include beans, lentils, broccoli, cabbage, and dairy products such as cheese and yogurt. Methane is produced during the digestion of these foods by gut bacteria.

What food group do beans belobg to?

Dry beans and peas are the mature forms of legumes such as kidney beans, pinto beans, lima beans, black-eyed peas, and lentils. These foods are excellent sources of plant protein, and also provide other nutrients such as iron and zinc. They are similar to meats, poultry, and fish in their contribution of these nutrients. Many people consider dry beans and peas as vegetarian alternatives for meat. However, they are also excellent sources of dietary fiber and nutrients such as folate that are low in diets of many Americans. These nutrients are found in plant foods like vegetables. Because of their high nutrient content, consuming dry beans and peas is recommended for everyone, including people who also eat meat, poultry, and fish regularly. The Food Guide includes dry beans and peas as a subgroup of the vegetable group, and encourages their frequent consumption-several cups a week-as a vegetable selection. But the Guide also indicates that dry beans and peas may be counted as part of the "meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts group." To summarize beans belong to protein high food groups which are meets and beans. But contain high fiber and nutrients similar to those found in vegetables.