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[1] A Celt's wealth was measured by cattle and livestock. [2] So a Celt's diet centered on meat, and what food brought out meat flavor or went well with meat. [3] A Celt tended to lead a life in harmony with nature. And one way a Celt showed that respect for nature was through respect for trees. [4] That respect was actually an appreciation for the edible fruits and nuts that went well with meat, and that brought out meat flavor. [5] A Celt tended to harvest what was already growing in the area. It was more a case of what nature had to offer, than a Celt could turn the land into growing. And so a Celt tended to eat cereals such as barley, oats, and wheat; and wild berries. [6] Over time, with the rise of big cities and cleared lands, cultivation spread to the Celts. And so they ended up too clearing the land and growing vegetables such as cabbage and potatoes.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

HAHAH very funny. they probably ate dried and salted meats.

Ho ho's and Twinkies

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Yes, mainly Pears and apples. It doesn't say too much about it, but here's the reference to my statement.

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