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apples,plums,cranberries, and sometimes can occur in few sweet spices such as cloves and cinnamon

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Q: What food contain sodium benzoate?
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Does sodium benzoate contain iodine?

No, sodium benzoate does not contain iodine. Sodium benzoate is a sodium salt of benzoic acid and is often used as a preservative in food and beverages. Iodine is a different element that is not found in sodium benzoate.

Does sodium benzoate contain carbon atoms?

As the chemical formula for sodium benzoate is:NaC6H5CO2The answer appears to be yes.

What are constituent elements of sodium benzoate?

Sodium benzoate is composed of sodium ions (Na+) and benzoate ions (C7H5O2-). When sodium benzoate is dissolved in water, it dissociates into these ions. Sodium benzoate is primarily used as a preservative in food and beverages.

Which foods contain sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate?

Sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate are food preservatives. Most foods that are processed have these or other preservatives. If you are concerned check labels on you foods. Almost any food that has a label has preservatives.

Is there benzoate in regular coke?

Sodium Benzoate is used as a preservative for carbonated drinks. Coke stopped using it in their products in 2008. Some Pepsi products still contain Sodium Benzoate.

How prepare sodium benzoate?

To prepare sodium benzoate, you can neutralize benzoic acid with sodium hydroxide. This reaction forms sodium benzoate and water. The resulting sodium benzoate can then be purified through crystallization for use as a preservative in food and beverages.

Which of the following is used as food preservative 1 sodium Benzoate 2 sodium Thiosulphate 3 sodium Hydroxide 4 sodium Bicarbonate?

1.sodium benzoate

What's the ratio of sodium benzoate to preserve ginger and garlic masala?

How much sodium benzoate is added to 1kilogram of food

Can you find an ionic compound that contains a polyatomic ion listed in the ingredients of a food item?

Some foods contain sodium citrate. sodium nitrite, and/or sodium benzoate, all of which fit this description.

What is sodium benzoate made of?

Sodium benzoate is made from benzoic acid, which is a naturally occurring compound found in some fruits and spices. It is then combined with sodium hydroxide to form sodium benzoate, which is commonly used as a food preservative.

What is used as a food preservative 1. sodium Benzoate 2. sodium Thiosulphate 3. sodium Hydroxide 4. sodium Bicarbonate?

Number 1. Sodium Benzoate is the food preservative. no. 2 and 3 are not used in food at all, no. 4 is not a preservative but is used in baking powder.

Is Sodium Benzoate found in any of Subway's sandwiches ingredients?

Yes, some Subway sandwiches may contain Sodium Benzoate as it is commonly used as a preservative in foods. Sodium Benzoate may be found in condiments, sauces, or other ingredients used in Subway's sandwiches.