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Q: What food avoid for high sgpt and sgot?
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High sgot sgpt?

The high SGOT and SGPT are usually as a result of either a sick liver or heart.

How can reduce SGOT and?

my sgot is 118 sgpt is 209 and alkalin phosphate is 138. Please help me to reduce my sgpt n sgot.

What is meant by sgpt and sgot?

SGOT= Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase. SGPT= Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase.

How can reduce SGOT and SGPT?

To reduce SGOT and SGPT levels, you can focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly, managing your weight, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, and adopting a balanced diet low in saturated fats and high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It is also essential to avoid risky behaviors such as intravenous drug use or exposure to toxic chemicals. Consulting with a healthcare provider for personalized advice and treatment is recommended.

Normal limit of SGOT SGPT?

SGOT normal range 5-40 u/l SGPT normal range 5-40 u/l

What is the difference between SGOT and SGPT blood test for liver?

Both SGOT (aspartate aminotransferase) and SGPT (alanine aminotransferase) are enzymes found in the liver. They are used as markers to assess liver function and detect liver damage. SGOT is also found in the heart and other organs, while SGPT is more specific to the liver. Generally, elevated levels of these enzymes in the blood indicate liver damage or disease.

Can curd help to low down the level of SGOT and SGPT?

daily use juices and vagitables. And please avoid red meat and smoking and drinking. Daily walks and healthy food. You can control HCV.

Your sgpt level is 110 now what to do?

Gluose (f) 112 uric acid 6.5 sgot (ast) 50 sgpt (alt)

What sgot mean in tagalog?

In Tagalog, "sgot" does not have a specific meaning as it is not a commonly used word in the language. It may be a typo or a misspelling of another word.

What does a low SGPT level on a liver function test mean?

Low levels of SGPT and SGOT may indicate deficiency of vitamin B6.

How can you cure SGPT and SGOT?

Base on my experience i lessen my SGPT and SGOT in the the following: during my medical examination i found out that i have elevated SGPT(203) and SGOT(168). after 1 week:SGPT(207) and SGOT(165) I undergo ultrasound. after 2 weeks:SGPT(234) and SGOT(170) after 3 weeks:SGPT(165) and SGOT(90) without eating rice. I only ate oats and pineapple juice. Before I have difficulties in breathing, and now... no more...the doctor said, i have that high level of SGPT and SGOT due to drinking too much of the alcoholic drinks but i already stop 6months ago. Another thing is because of eating foods w/c is high in cholesterol level and fatty foods. At present, my SGPT is now 34 and my SGOT is 40. In addition to this my cholesterol level is 200 w/c is still in normal level(0-200). My eating habits are the following: avoid fatty/oily foods,e.g. coconut milk,fried rice,fry foods,milk,hicken skin avoid eating foods w/c is high in cholesterol level like avocado,potato,big fish and etc. eat/drinkthose rich in fibers: oats, pineapple juice,vegetables especially those green leafy vegetables. half-cook food is better. I hope I can help anyone.

Why SGOT and SGPT count increases?

Elevated levels of SGOT (AST) and SGPT (ALT) in the blood can indicate liver damage or injury, such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, or fatty liver disease. Other causes include alcohol consumption, certain medications, or muscle injury. Further testing is needed to determine the underlying cause.