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They dont walk,but some catfish kinda flop around to get to a deeper nearby pond if its a dry season...crabs scuttle arond,but they arnt fish swim,ya.

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Q: What fish walks along the seabed?
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it comes out their bums and sits on the seabed/tank floor and decomposes

Can starfish survive in a fish tank with fresh water fish?

No. They are too weak to get along and they do not have fins so they can only stay at the seabed.

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If you live in The U.S.A. using live fish except for guppies is illegal or at-least where I live. Other than that I really have no idea.

In what way seabed protection helps corals?

shelly seabed

How the fishes get food?

Most fish can be fed fish food. If not they feed on algi, a bacteria that grows on the seabed and plants or the glass walls and bottom of a fish tank.

When was International Seabed Authority created?

International Seabed Authority was created in 1994.

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Do you mean will they mate with other fish or get along with other fish? They will not mate with other fish, but they will get along without tetras.

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Discuss ways that seabed protection helps some corals.?

If the seabed is destroyed, the coral cannot get nutrients to live.

What is a sentence using the word seabed?

I saw several conch shells on the seabed, but I didn't know if it was legal to collect hem.